Data & Storage

Useful info about how we store data, ownership of data, backups, GDPR and other things.

Data storage, ownership and back-ups

All data stored in Elina is yours in accordance with the service agreement that you have signed.  Please see this for further details on data ownership

GDPR - background information and statements

GDPR means General Data Protection Regulation. The directive applies across all EU countries and its goal is to give control back to all citizens and residents over their personal data.

GDPR and Elina Functionality

Our concierge team is dedicated to supporting you in complying with your responsibilities under GDPR. The elina Platform provides the necessary tools so that you, too, can take the necessary steps for the data protection of your customers.

GDPR General Statement

Vestibule Marketing Ltd, owner of Elina PMS, provides the following statement for your records.

GDPR Data Processor Statement

elina PMS by Vestibule Marketing Ltd - is a data management system that allows hospitality and accommodation providers to store and manage information about their guests and the financial and operational details that surround them as they relate to the providers.

Training System

The elina training site does not auto-synchronize with your live system. The site can be updated to the latest data any time you wish by making a request to the elina Concierge team.